Monday, October 22, 2012

My Country

I have often said, I am first a Child of G-d, second a wife and mother, and then, I am friend. But I am also a Citizen of These United States. Something I feel very blessed to be. I could have just as easily been born in any of the other 195 nations on this planet. But G-d himself chose to place my soul here. So, that brings to my mind, why? Why was I placed here, what purpose can I possibly serve? Because that is it, right? The point, the meaning of life.
We are here ultimately for one purpose,and that is to serve. Serve HIM first, and then others, but in our service to others we in turn serve HIM.
I love these circles, circles are pure, unending, divine. Circles are perfection, simple yet, complex. No beginning, no end, infinite. As should be our service to each other and to HIM. The act of service is praise, it is worship. It is divine. It is love. We show him our pure unending devotion when we love each other, those we serve.

Back to why I am here. I love my country, even though its beginnings were far from holy, far from divine. But I firmly believe
Romans 8:28-30.  Those first Pilgrims, were called out of oppression, and into a land where they could be free. They were an ignorant lot, as many are today. They did not think of those who may already inhabit this land. They saw this land as a place of hope, they wanted change. They had little regard for those who already inhabited this land. Many natives were killed, many died of disease. Not a very Christian thing to allow to happen, right? But, their intent was good. And the land was plenty. But taking what is not yours, to serve your purpose, or what you feel is the greater good, is not serving, is it? Can G-d cause it to work together for those who are called, according to HIS purpose? Maybe I have a different understanding since , my people are the Cahuilla and the Pioneers.  I am both a Native Child and a Foreigner. But I do not feel pulled, I feel reconciled. I feel purpose.
So, I am here, to serve, not to watch my country go down in flames, nor with a whimper. You see, there is too much at stake, too much to loose if we allow Communism to take the last breath from Our Land. There have been too many tears too many pools of blood, to allow it all to be washed away in a sea of political correctness. I will not pretend it is something it is not. This election, is like no other in our history, either Believers in Messiah, stand up for TRUTH or we stand back and allow DECEPTION to destroy what G-d could work together for His purpose. His purpose will be fulfilled, but our free will will determine how will be part of that purpose. Are you called?

Romans 8: 28 Furthermore, we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with his purpose; 29 because those whom he knew in advance, he also determined in advance would be conformed to the pattern of his Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brothers; 30 and those whom he thus determined in advance, he also called; and those whom he called, he also caused to be considered righteous; and those whom he caused to be considered righteous he also glorified!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

20 Years

Yesterday, my husband and I celebrated the 20th anniversary, of our covenant with G-d and each other. It has never been easy, it was a tough road from the beginning. We had so much against us, even from the start. This is how the devil plays. I could get into all the details, but that is in the past, and our foundation is now stronger because of the reinforcements we have had to make. Every challenge, every heartache, had to be repaired with emotional rebar. The scars are still there but the cracks repaired. And we stand at this place, looking forward, not back.

If someone would have told me, 20 years ago, what lay ahead, I really doubt "I do" would have been forthcoming from my lips. I would have seen this mountain, I now stand upon, and it would have been overwhelming. It would have seemed an impossible task. It was not the fairytale we both envisioned. Not even close. But beauty rarely comes from clean hands. It comes from the dirt and calluses. 

Most might look at our lives and see weeds, but I see wildflowers. My life may not be a posy of roses, it is more of dandelions, and thistle, but it is beautiful none-the-less.

Song of Solomon 1:14
To me the man I love is a spray of henna flowers in the vineyards of 'Ein-Gedi.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

So...there goes 2011

I sit here, realizing it has been ten months, since I sat here last, and wrote. It is not like I have not had much to write about, I have...but I have been living, and not writing. I prefer when both acts are intertwined, my life, laced with words that flow off my keyboard like the notes of a song.

Since, I last wrote, my only child, graduated from high school, and turned 18. That makes me the mother of an adult-child. My head spins with the wonder of it all. I wonder where the time went, I look in wonder, at the man he has become in spite of me.

He will be starting college next week. He has chosen to go to community college. I am very proud of his wise decision. He thought of us, he knows how much money this will save us, and he knows his education will not suffer in the least. Bright young man. I thank him for that.

I will blog more about other things that have happened in the last 10 months. But I choose to stay positive in this post.

I am in a good place today, thinking about the future and how God's hand is in it.

Ezra 8:31
The hand of our God was on us, and he protected us from enemies and surprise attacks along the road.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Holidays are Coming, The Holidays are Coming!!

Okay, so who in their right mind hates the holidays? Umm... I guess a lot of people! Many people wind up quite depressed because they are alone, or wind up stressed because they have too many people coming over. In my home, it has always been simple, just my husband, our son and myself! I love to bake and cook, so I worry about the unwanted guests of a few extra pounds coming to visit, then deciding to stick around! But NOT THIS YEAR! No sir! I am getting a jump on things. I am starting a new workout routine TODAY! A bit more than a week before Thanksgiving! So, I fear not this holiday season. Food and people are to be enjoyed. My door is open,my table set.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Time Flies

So it was way back in January when I said I would post pics of my hair...
Time indeed flies!

Since I posted last, I went through a bit of an ordeal. I had surgery again, on March 22. But this time it was different, the love an support from my church family was not short of AMAZING!! God is good, and He put His workers right in front of me. I often have to bump into goodness to notice it, and he set these wonderful people right in my path! So, I had my surgery, and I feel better than I have in quite some time!! Healing was easier, not having all the extra weight to deal with, that is sure, and the prayer and love, in the form of many meals, we received, made the time go by quickly.
It set me back as far as the weight loss, but that is okay. Because my perspective changed. God does that, makes us see things differently.

So, here is my hair. I kind of missed having it black, just seems more me...but that could change!!

I am back to working on my fitness, I would like to
loose another 15 lbs or so. Not set on a specific number. I will know when it feels right. This is the second summer where I am not embarrassed to wear a bathing suit. That is an awesome feeling! I cannot wait until I feel good in a bathing suit, but the feeling of non-embarrassment is good for now!

We are going to California in a will be wonderful to see my family and not be "the fat one"!

1 Timothy 6:6
But godliness with contentment is great gain.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Holiday Pounds!

So, I gained a bit of weight during the Holiday season. I got a bit discouraged, but a friend who is my walking and weight-loss buddy, straightened me out! She helped put things in perspective. I was not walking, and since I LOVE to bake and cook, I was doing both in abundance! Then my husband and son were home for two weeks on vacation. I have already taken off most of the weight I gained. And am back to working on my goal, whatever that really means!

I dyed my hair today as sort of a celebration...I like it!
Pics to follow!

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What A Diffrence a Year Makes

So, here I sit, breathing. Yes, breathing. Big deal as I am asthmatic. A year ago, I was taking my rescue inhaler upwards of 8 times per day, just to breath. Yes, that is how FAT and out of shape I was. Oh, how I love that word WAS. I am fitter and have gone months at a time without having to reach for my inhaler. I do still take a maintenance medication, but last year I was talking two maintenance medications and STILL had to use my rescue inhaler constantly. Now, I can go for a walk and leave my inhaler at home! It is a freedom, I never thought I would have.

A year ago in December, when I was visiting family in California, my mother and I prayed that I would finally find a way to loose all this weight I had gained, from all the various surgeries and medications I have had to take during the years.
Our prayers were answered.
With help from a wonderful doctor, who listened and really seemed to care about my weight problems, and with constant prayer for strength to follow through, I am almost to my goal.
At this point though, the goal in my head seems irrelevant. It is about feeling good, and liking who I see in the mirror. And well, I am there. Any extra weight loss, will be a bonus!

Psalm 17:

6 I call on you, O God, for you will answer me;
give ear to me and hear my prayer.